CHLA ranked top 15 Children's Hospitals in Innovation and Technology

On December 2, 2020, it was announced that Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) was included in the “Top 15 Children’s Hospitals in Innovation and Technology” list by

The listing highlighted the work CHLA is doing for pain management.

“National pain-management guidelines for kids who’ve had surgery weren’t even a thing until a month ago. That’s when a team led by Children’s Hospital Los Angeles released 20 strategies that address risks of prescription opioid use, effective substitutes, and education on safety, storage, and disposal of unused pills so doctors and families can all be on the same page. Surprisingly, the dentist’s office emerged as a trouble spot. “There’s a lot of potential for misuse following any procedure, such as orthopedic surgery or wisdom-tooth extraction,” says pediatric surgeon Lorraine Kelley-Quon, M.D. The bottom line: While the guidelines encourage doctors to bring up pain management before a procedure, parents can prompt a discussion too.”

You can view the full list here.


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