What We Do
BioscienceLA advisors, staff, board are dedicated to enhance the ecosystem.
To accomplish its mission BioscienceLA has identified the following priorities:
BioscienceLA will serve as an independent focal point for connectivity to the region by external stakeholders. BioscienceLA will be a place where parties can connect to the Los Angeles ecosystem, whether as convener, concierge or visitor center. Visiting investors, companies, researchers, entrepreneurs, developers, vendors, and other organizations will be able to find information and connect to resources via BioscienceLA. We will also assemble and host multi-stakeholder convenings that address strategic issues, potential partnerships, or new opportunities facing the industry or the ecosystem. BioscienceLA will also act as an interface between LA County government’s bioscience initiatives and the private sector.
BioscienceLA will facilitate the formation and execution of a shared vision, strategy, and a high level of engagement among government, industry, academia, start-ups, and the investment community of Southern California. We will help establish a well-coalesced ecosystem via facilitation, events, engagement, and delivery of coordinating grants, investments, and incentives to Los Angeles County stakeholders. We will engage the region’s family offices and angel networks to integrate them into life sciences investment opportunities. We will help companies navigate the tech transfer and commercialization pathways in the region. BioscienceLA will also participate and reinforce existing collaborations of Countywide benefit in support of our valued stakeholders.
In partnership with other stakeholders, BioscienceLA will help tell Los Angeles’ life sciences story to the world. From its world-class research and entrepreneurial culture to its growing commercial successes, the region will intentionally build a life sciences brand for LA as an international innovation hub. Investments will be made in: developing and communicating an identity; celebrating new discoveries, entrepreneurs, and partnerships; and calling out the region’s many indigenous life science assets across a large and diverse geography.
BioscienceLA will deploy selected funds, capabilities, talents, and resources to accelerate the pace of local commercial life sciences activity, focusing especially on the growth and retention of start-up companies. We will do so by supporting: new capital formation and deployment targeting early-stage companies; new commercial lab space; incubating, accelerating and coworking spaces, and other infrastructure to serve a constellation of thriving research hubs across the region. BioscienceLA also will support the networking of local entrepreneurs, scientists, mentors, consultants, investors, and other professionals to better connect seasoned talent and coaching to emerging enterprises.
In addition to growing the pool of executive and operating talent for start-ups, BioscienceLA will better align the public sector’s workforce investments to stakeholder needs. BioscienceLA will tailor regional workforce resources to industry requirements and leverage those resources with private funds and expertise. BioscienceLA may fund programs that increase the STEM pipeline, give local students direct exposure to entrepreneurship, and add diversity to the life sciences sector.