It’s Time To Build...With Biology

John Cumbers, Forbes Senior Contributor, building off of and providing commentary on Marc Andreessen’s recent essay “It’s Time To Build” suggests that “…biology is the building platform for California and the rest of the world in the 21st century.”

John Cumbers, founder of SynBioBeta and advocate for using biology in the coming recovery strategy, has presented the following Built With Biology, a set of policy recommendations for Governor Newsom's Task Force on Business and Jobs Recovery. Cumbers, along with 100 leading entrepreneurs, investors, startups, large and small corporations, scientists and engineers, national lab members and advocacy organizations, developed this strategy as a way to rethink and rebuild our economy using biomanufacturing as the engine.

John Cumbers #BuiltWithBiology Strategy Outline Visual

Read more in the Forbes article here.

Read more in the #BuiltWithBiology White Paper here.


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