What 2020 is teaching us about workplace mental health

Earlier this week the LA-based Headspace for Work team shared their 2020 Mental Health Trends Report which provides insight on current key trends and challenges affecting workplace mental health. Given everything that is going on in the world, it is not surprising that 30% of workers suspect they suffer from depression or anxiety and that 53% of workers feel that mental health benefits are essential post-COVID-19. It is perhaps clearer now than ever before that businesses should be equipping employees with the resources to care for their mental health. It is up to organizational leaders to identify how we can better support our teams and to provide them the tools to be well both at work and in their personal lives. 

A Path Through the Storm, the first report from our 2020 Mental Health Trends survey, shows how these challenges make it even more crucial for companies to understand:

  1. The gap between what employees need to support their mental health and what companies are actually providing.

  2. Why it’s time to fully embrace the concept of the whole employee — stress, anxiety, and all.

  3. The line between work stress and life stress has been dissolved. Stress in any area of someone’s life contributes to, or is exacerbated by, stress at work.

To read more about the findings, see the full report here.


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