Beyond hospitals, startup Stasis Labs is seeing increased traction for remote monitoring among outpatient providers

Since launching in 2015, Cedars-Sinai Accelerator company, Stasis Labs has focused on the healthcare market in India where its monitors are being used in 50 facilities and provided care for 30,000 patients.

The company is now rapidly scaling its operation to meet demand in the U.S. created by the pandemic.

As coronavirus cases began surging in Texas in June, emergency rooms across the state reached capacity and clinical staff in many have had to stretch to their limits.

"The same people I talked to last year will now look at it and rather than seeing it as a nice helpful tool that is part of the future of healthcare, they see it as 'it's here, today' and they want to figure out how to adopt this more," Maylahn told Fierce Healthcare.

At Hospitality Health ER, a free-standing emergency care provider with three locations in Texas, clinicians are providing care to suspected COVID patients in a quarantine tent, makeshift buildings and even in patients' cars, according to Jeffrey Beers, physician director at Hospitality Health ER.

"We are moving around from one location to the next and we needed a way to be able to know if a patient is unstable or stable, or if there were changes and monitor that from a computer or smartphone," Beers told Fierce Healthcare.

The provider is using Stasis Labs' technology to monitor COVID-19 patients who are housed separately from the main ER center. Doctors and nurses are able to track patients' vital signs while reducing exposure for the clinical team and other patients, Beers said.

Glendale Surgical Center and Orthopedic Surgery Specialists in California is using the automated vital-monitoring and data-analytics technology to improve outpatient surgery selection and patient discharge. 

With remote monitoring technology, the facility can more closely and more efficiently manage patient status, especially during periods of high volume, according to Ray Raven, CEO and managing partner of Glendale Surgical Center.

Stasis developed a smart device and cloud platform that remote measures heart rate, blood oxygen, three-lead electrocardiogram, respiratory rate, blood pressure and temperature.

Using traditional sensors and an easy-to-read bedside monitor, Stasis gathers the data and makes it available to clinical staff via apps on their smartphones, tablets, laptops or desktop central monitoring station.

Stasis Labs developed its platform as a medical-grade connected vital signs monitoring system that is robust enough to work in hospitals and outpatient facilities but also simple enough to not require sophisticated infrastructure, on-premise servers, electronic medical records or even WiFi, according to Maylahn.

You can read the full article here.


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