5 inventions a day. 529,000 jobs. Incomes average $151,656. UC’s brag sheet is eye-popping

On January 19, 2021 The Los Angeles Times Reported that UCLA delivers the largest economic benefit to California among nine undergraduate campuses, including 55,000 jobs.

Every college has its brag sheet. But the University of California has taken it to a whole new level with a 123-page report of exhaustive detail on jobs created, research performed, start-up businesses launched, tax dollars generated and students served.

The report, released Tuesday, may not have the most lyrical title: The University of California Systemwide Economic, Fiscal and Social Impact Analysis. The data are mind-numbing: What does it really mean to say that “UC-related spending delivers substantial economic and fiscal impacts annually to the state, generating $82.1 billion in economic output, $55.8 billion in value added (2% of GSP), $37.6 billion in labor income, and $4.2 billion in state and local tax revenue”?

But the report by Beacon Economics — released in the middle of college admissions season and state budget negotiations — contains some noteworthy facts:

To read the full article please click here.


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