The Brainchild of an ER Doctor, Crossover Health Focuses on Data and Preventative Care

On April 2, 2021, DOTLA reported, Once an obscure health care company, Crossover Health, has netted some of the biggest names in technology. And its new venture with Amazon is about to make it even bigger.

The San Clemente-based startup netted $168 million in Series D funding just this week, and its burgeoning success speaks to a larger trend that could change how U.S. health insurance is done.

Once a small health care provider co-founded by two colleagues in Aliso Viejo, Crossover Health has grown into one of the biggest names in the industry and is expected to rake in $165 million in revenue by year's end.

Facebook, LinkedIn and Comcast are among its clients and its providers now oversee 400,000 patients across the country. But their most well-known partnership is with Amazon, which is using the company to power their 17 in-person clinics, including one near its fulfillment center in San Bernardino.

Crossover promises to lower the cost of health care for employers by providing primary and preventive health care at a pre-fixed rate. In addition, it says it can save companies 15% on average on their health care costs by emphasizing preventive care.

Co-founder Scott Shreeve said he started to think about this idea after seeing a rotating door of patients with various ailments in the emergency room.

"I would do my best to take care of my 30 or so patients every day that came in and try to address their issues," Shreeve said. "And then the next day there'd be 30 more, and then 30 more. It just felt like, 'what can I do to get ahead of this, to get upstream of these problems?'"

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