There’s No Growth Without Health: Employee Wellbeing Is Non-Negotiable

On July 30, 2021, Forbes reported- What’s incredible to me about this statement is, first, I wholeheartedly agree and have been shouting this from the rafters for years now. Second, it’s that little word that packs so much meaning: “now.”

Workers now expect this.

That’s a telling detail. It’s not that the desire to be viewed as an individual human being is new. It’s the idea that they could actually expect that from an employer that is the powerful idea here. The balance of power has shifted, and employees know that they can raise their level of expectation. And they are.

Here’s more from Gaver: “While standardization has brought the HR industry to where it is today, customization and personalization is how HR will evolve now and in the future.” She quotes Dr. Solange Charas, a human capital expert and adjunct professor at Columbia University and the University of Southern California: “Organizations that aren’t actively embracing an employee-centric business model will soon find that their competitive advantage will erode, along with a diminished employer brand and sub-optimal efficiencies.”

Read Full article Here


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