LA Venture Podcast: Z Holly Of Good Growth Capital on Biotech

On the October 1, 2020 episode of the L.A. Venture podcast, Krisztina "Z" Holly from Good Growth Capital discusses how she hopes to boost innovation in Southern California's universities and in L.A. manufacturing and discusses her new project along the L..A River.

Before joining Good Growth Capital, Holly was vice provost for innovation at USC and the founding executive director for the M.I.T. Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation. She also created the first TED X event and built a nonprofit to support manufacturing in Los Angeles.

“There is so much research happening in Southern California, like over $3 billion worth of research happening in the top research universities alone, let alone in the hospitals, etc. A large part of that is in biotech. And unfortunately, L.A. is seen as a flyover city when it comes to biotech,” Holly says. “San Diego and the Bay Area are really strong- but the truth is that actually in Southern California, we create more patents. [SoCal] universities create as many patents as the Boston area, and way more than the Bay Area.”

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You can read the full dot.LA article here.


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