Amgen Foundation Commits $16.4M to the Amgen Biotech Experience

On September 30, 2020, the Amgen Foundation announced a $16.4 million commitment to the Amgen Biotech Experience (ABE), a science education program created to enable secondary school science teachers to implement real-world biotechnology labs in their classrooms. This new funding brings the Amgen Foundation’s total commitment to the program to over $40 million.

The announcement came on the 30th Anniversary of the ABE program, which has successfully delivered hands on biotechnology labs to nearly 850,000 students. The additional funding will increase the overall reach of the program to over 1 million students.

“Quality science education is more critical than ever, from battling pandemics to tackling climate change," said Eduardo Cetlin, President of the Amgen Foundation. “The next generation of scientists hold the future of humanity in their hands. The Amgen Foundation’s mission is to inspire that generation to embrace science and the possibilities it provides.”

You can learn more here.


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